How do we experience the stability of the ground? Which parameters define the instability of our surroundings? The stable ground is a basic need in the practice of everyday life. Inspired by Renata Lucas’s work (cabeça e cauda de cavalo, 2010 )I did various studies about the ground. I examined it from diffrent aspects like movement, stability, material, pattern. After the reasearch, I developed two different approaches in my project. Part one is based on material displacement. Choosing materials with different structural stability and material conditions, I confronted them in a grid-like structure. These materials surround us in the everyday life but they mostly remain invisible as a part of larger structures. The installation creates a tactile experience. Part two is subverting the perception of the viewer through projection. Focusing the camera on the ground, the camera records movement but the common navigation points are lost. Without the surrounding vertical and horizontal structures, the viewer is unable to decide if the ground is moving or not.